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Vision Quest Malaysia 2017 大馬靈境追尋

Rachel Lee



我們在這同一個山林裏,進行著生命一場難得的釐清追尋 ~ Vision Quest。

活動於十二月三十一日結束,選擇這樣的方式給予自己向 2017年告別,進行著自己的生命探索與探究,是那麼的難得可貴、意義深遠!





感動繼續,追尋的動力持續。因為愛,2018年,Vision Quest 一定延續!

在大馬,好些人反映說 Vision Quest 中文譯名 ~ 靈境追尋,是否就跟靈魂、幽靈有關?怎麼追尋靈魂?這會否是跟什麼宗教邪派相關?

Vision Quest 原是由印第安語翻譯而來。它並沒有跟任何幽靈鬼怪有關,所指的靈境,倒難用一個字眼給說清楚弄明白。各個學派學說,會用不同文字來「借穀指月」。或許,願景?生命?聖境?真我?那剝去外皮(名字、性格。。)以後真正的自己?

要是你聽到了內心的渴望,2018年10月,我們會在大馬辦另外一場 Vision Quest(共八天,其中四天獨處)。另外,會在5月間,開辦二日獨處的 Vision Quest (活動共四天,其中兩天獨處)。


We had our Vision Quest (VQ) in a forest where the aborigines travelled to harvest their durian and petai.

What's a surprise to have both durian and petai ripe almost the same period of time our VQ was running. Is it a coincidence? It's definitely meant for all of us for this particular quest. (Everything is a teaching!)

It's also a raining season. Rain dropped everyday and yet we were offered with a charming sunny day and another night with the bright moonlight. Even though we were there for only 8 days, we seems to experience the "4-season" alike weather of our country.

All our unique encounters, marked the ending of 2017! It's this quest that supported an extraordinary starting point marching into 2018. It helps to plant a strong heart steering each beautiful soul walking on our spiritual journey to fulfill each vision, to realize our life purpose.

There is no others except the self who could really understand the whole process that had just taken place ~ learning, experiencing and transforming throughout the entire quest.

Inhaling the experience, digesting them and there strengthen our energy to support the transformation. It is a pure Love that reside within. Yes, it's the Love and Light that brought us here, bridge us through, to be who and what we really are.

If you hear your heart calling, a voice that says, it's time for a Vision Quest, we welcome you to join us in 2018 Vision Quest. There will be a short VQ in May (4 days in total, a 2 days-solo) and a full 8 days VQ (with 4 days solo) in Oct, in Malaysia.

For further notice and announcement, do stay tuned with us!

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