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Protector Course

This is a 10 days class about protection. It is an incredibly difficult class to describe in a brief paragraph because the range and the volume of the teachings can barely be covered in ten days and nights. 

Some of the topics covered include method of both physical and spiritual protections; how to detect areas with both light and dark influences; personal and area shielding; and the physical, emotional, spiritual dangers and difficulties of Vision Questing and the tools to transform these challenges into vision. You will learn techniques to help you shift into Spirit Mind while walking protection in the physical plane, which will enable you to see and access information beyond the 5 physical senses. 

Additionally, you will learn all the logistics for organizing, running and protection a Vision Quest for others. The exercises in this program will be intensely experiential.


While this course was originally designed to train Vision Quest Protectors, we have found that it opens an incredibly powerful and much more effective spiritual life for anyone on this path. It teaches the skill of protection, of awareness, and significantly deepens your own Quest experience. This program culminates with the Second Level of Quest (See the description for the Seven Levels of Quest for more information about this Quest at


Prerequisite: Wilderness Vision Quest  



- 身體(物質体)與心靈保護技能;

- 學會感應/發掘光與黑暗之區域;

- 如何搭建個人以及場域防護罩;

- 物質、情緒、精神/心靈各個層面所面對的危險障礙和追尋的考驗,並學習轉化這一些挑戰為天命。





保護著課程最初的設計乃純粹培訓靈境追尋保護著。過去的經驗裏,我們發現保護角色啓開了非常強而有力,且為身心靈成長注入有效的助力與甘露。這堂課教會了我們保護的技巧,覺察力的提升與擴張,更顯著地深入/滲入個人的追尋經驗。更難得的是,我們也將在保護著培訓課程内,學習到第二階追尋,即七階追尋的其中一階 ~ 力量追尋。



by Earth Walker, Malaysia

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