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Vision Quest

“The ultimate aim of the quest must be neither release nor ecstasy for oneself, but the wisdom and power to serve others.

” Joseph Campbell

What is a Vision Quest?

The Vision Quest is an ancient rite of passage used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures and mystical societies for spiritual growth and expansion. The tradition passed to us consists of four days and nights immersed in the beauty and healing energy of nature and Mother Earth. It will provide you with an opportunity to be still, still enough to hear the voice that is calling you onto your visionary path.

You are alone in a small quest circle with no distractions, fasting from all things familiar except water. You come face to face with yourself, and get to know more deeply who you are (and who you are not). With all distractions and the noise of daily life removed, and the voices of those around you silenced, you are more able to hear the whisperings of your soul reminding you why you came here in this life.

It is a solo bush experience, a four days and nights — just you alone with the Creator.

Find a greater sense of joy that comes from creating a life that has meaning when you realize your unique gifts and begin to live them and share them in the world at large. You will also be able to find the gifts and power in what you have perceived as your weaknesses, obstacles, or shadow. Why is the Vision Quest still used to this day? Because it works and it works powerfully!

We are passing along the Vision Quest teachings of Lipan Apache elder and shaman Stalking Wolf, though this is not a Lipan Apache Quest.

The Vision Quest is a challenging and powerful opportunity for growth, regardless of your background, station in life, or belief system. It is free of any dogma or religious affiliation. The only requirement is a commitment to yourself, your spiritual growth, and a willingness to be transformed. Prior outdoor experience is not required, and past participants in this rite of passage have ranged in age from 15 to 82. Please call to discuss any questions or concerns about dietary or medical needs.

The quest is co-facilitated by Rachel Lee (Earth Walker) and Bee Yock Ong (1484 Love. Home), Vision Quest facilitator trained with Earth Heart Institute in New Jersey and 7-Generations Outdoor School in Taiwan respectively in the Stalking Wolf lineage. Stalking Wolf (a Lipan Apache Native American) passed on the knowledge to Tom Brown Jr, who in turn passed it on to Malcolm Ringwalt (Earth Heart Institute) and next to Dawa Bochnia (7-Generations Outdoor School).

Program Information

The Vision Quest is held in Malaysia (location to inform separately) and run over 8 days. Prior to your Quest, we will help you prepare for this life-changing experience and we will provide the structure and support you will need. We will also provide security and protection from outside interruptions. After the Quest, we will give you the tools to help you process and understand all the gifts and insights you have received, so that your spiritual growth can be integrated into your daily life.

The program involves 1.5 days arrival and preparation, 4 days and nights out in the quest circle, and 1.5 days integration.

You will need camping equipment for the base camp during the days you are not Questing. A full “To Bring” list will be included in your acceptance letter. We provide all meals during the 4 days you are not Questing, and we provide all bottled water used during the Quest.

You may find the timing is right to quest when:

- You are ready to claim your birth right of authentic power and life purpose

- You want to experience your soul in a deeper and meaningful way

- You want answers to profound life questions

- You are wanting reconnection with yourself, your spirituality and nature

- You want to experience stillness, free from distractions and stress

- You are seeking personal transformation

- You are experiencing a life transition

- You are ready to release no-longer-needed emotional blocks









靈境追尋的起源: 靈境追尋是古老的傳統儀式,幾千年來,流傳於各種原住民文化及神秘社會中,以尋求靈性的成長與擴展。美洲原住民在青少年成年之際,會將青少年上送這趟靈境追尋之旅。在旅程中,青少年將與造物者對話,希望藉此明白自己所擁有的天賦,明白自己在其文化與社會中可扮演的角色與任務。從靈境追尋之旅歸來後,青少年在長老的協助下,詮釋自己所得到的訊息,便前往自己該學習的方向,尋找師傅,繼續學習成長,成為社會裡的能人。這趟靈境追尋之旅便是青少年的成年禮。




每個原住民社會都有屬於適用於自己的靈境追尋傳統,如此個人靈境追尋的成果才能最適用於其社會文化。譬如:北美的Lakoda傳統中,靈境追尋之前必須先由部落的智者(shaman)進行祈問,在流汗小屋(sweat lodge)進行淨身後,才展開靈境追尋。耶穌也曾在曠野中齋戒獨處達40天,藉此與天父對話。




◇ 為自己的生命尋找新的洞見,藉此尋得自己真正的生命熱情的依存。

◇ 學習面對與穿越自己尖銳的那一面,藉此幫助自己穿越面對內心障礙時所存在的否認。如果你無法坐看自己的痛苦,又怎能坐看別人的苦楚?

◇ 審視自己在生命中所遭遇的問題,藉由大自然的純淨與身心的淨化,聆聽來自造物者的回應。

◇ 瞭解到上天賦予你的獨特天賦(禮物),開始創造一個具有意義的生命,從中感受到生命的喜悅,並且把這份喜悅和你的天賦與世界分享。
◇ 在你過去以為是自己的缺點/障礙/陰影之處找到你的能力與力量。


◎ 渴望找到自己在社會演化過程中該扮演什麼角色的人,因為你正在尋找一個超越自己的生命目標。

◎ 渴望與自己的指導靈進行溝通的人

◎ 渴望與造物者對話,願意赤裸裸地站在造物者面前傾聽與對話的人

◎ 想要磨練覺知力、注意力,希望能看見宏觀的願景,期望能淨化自己、掃除疑問的人。


这一场靈境追尋依循的是美國追蹤師學校(Tracker School)創辦人湯姆‧布朗的老師,即阿帕契族立邦部落的長老、知者及藥靈師潛近狼(Stalking Wolf)發展出的傳統。

馬來西亞靈境追尋保護者李卉卿及王美玉,各別經布朗的第一位學生Malcolm Ringwalt所創辦的Earth Heart Institute of Vision and Healing,Malcolm Ringwalt的學生達娃及其所創辦的七世代自然生活學校訓練,傳承了潛近狼的這項傳統。湯姆稱潛近狼為祖父,因為當湯姆遇見潛近狼時,湯姆七歲,潛近狼已年近八十。




~在展開這趟旅程之前 ‧ 準備、醞釀內心裡知道的與不知道的關於生命與生活的問題 ‧ 調整你的身體,幫助你進入齋戒淨化的狀態

~在你進入神聖的靈境追尋之旅時 ‧ 作為你的後盾,提供外在保全,使你不受干擾 ‧ 幫助你面對可控的與不可控的未知

~完成之後 ‧ 認識、瞭解你在靈境追尋之旅上所獲得的訊息,使這場靈性成長能整合到生活當中











by Earth Walker, Malaysia

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